Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Community-wide sustainability embedding and outreach governed by a Sustainability Charter


Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia





founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has a comprehensive, whole-institutional sustainability approach dating back to 2007, with a focus on green-campus and living labs programs, and the fostering of community well-being. UKM measures all university activities according to the SDGs, and their overall sustainability approach is set out in their 'Sustainability Charter'. Key pillars of the charter are governance based on sustainable development, and prioritizing traditional cultural practices that enhance sustainability. Key governance policies in their sustainability charter concern empowering staff and students, developing sustainability competency training, and prioritizing student and staff welfare and life-long sustainability learning policies. Community engagement and learning is also a key activity; sustainability MOOCs are offered which foster sustainability professional development, and sustainability awareness programs are carried out in communities at district, state and national levels. It is compulsory for all undergraduate students to take at least one subject related to sustainability, environmental studies or climate change.


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