Harvard University

Holistic, visionary and far-reaching sustainability office


Harvard University


North America



founding year


student body



Institutional Approach

Central to Harvard's whole-institute approach is their active and wide-reaching sustainability office, which aligns the university's decentralized campus around a holistic vision, setting institute-wide sustainability goals. The sustainability office has a key role in delivering goals by working to encourage students, faculty and staff through living lab methods which experiment with sustainability solutions to tackle broad, SDG challenges on campus as well as in community settings at home and abroad. The office functions by working on-the-ground and across disciplines, co-funding priojects, and acting as a convener and connector as well as adivser, trainer, mentor and coach to university community members. The sustainability office organised the creation of a transdisciplinary climate change learning course where students of any discipline can convene with faculty in hands-on research to investigate solutions to real-world sustainability challenges.


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Universities for Sustainable Futures

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